Wednesday, September 27, 2006

You don't send me flowers...

Does it still count as a gift if later (within a few hours) the giver asks to borrow money in an amount that significantly exceeds the value of the gift? Because they need gas and lunch 'till pay day?

Am I being greedy to say that I'd rather pick out my own damn gift?

Or that I would rather have spent the money differently because I'm trying to save up to be able to afford my divorce?

Am I just being bitter because I can pretty directly trace every gift I've ever been given from this person back to a credit card that I later had to pay off or some other transaction because they were so intermittently employed, under employed and had the perpetual need to live beyond their means?

Is it childish for me to point out that their entire life style is provided by my hard work and at this point any gifts are just well...funny and maddening at the same time?

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