Tuesday, October 03, 2006

If only

If only I could be as motivated to write Week 18 of my communication plan as I am to write this.
If only Eyore would realize that it was over and stop calling me 5 times a day.
If only my house would magically become clean and organized so I could start fresh.
If only my car would magically become clean and organized...
If only my yard...you get the picture...

If only crazy people didn't kill innocent children in their school-- which should be the safest place for them.

If only I could figure out this financial crap so I could move on (which would be easier if I stopped rewarding myself with material things I don't really need)

If only I would spend more time counting my glass as full. But it is full. Karateboy is a yellow belt and doing well in school. Tippytornado is BEGGING to go to school. I have a good job with good people who continue to hand me birthday cards and gifts even though, at this age, getting them at all is fun in itself.

Whew! Got that out of my system. Week 18. I've got to write Week 18. And I need to find someone to play raquetball with. I've got the equipment and I need the exercise. I just need a partner (who doesn't mind teaching me because I've never played).

:-) It's a brand new day and I'm feline' fine in every WA!

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