Wednesday, October 04, 2006


I have more closet space...neener neener neener.

I have the whole bed to myself EVERY SINGLE NIGHT. I don't have to worry that someone is going to come to bed at 3 a.m. and wake me up and make me move over.

I need mental space. If he's here Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, I never seem to get time alone. 'Cause if he's not here, he's on the phone.

So we lost our kickball game. Single elimination playoffs. Bummer. But we get to drink next week! So, who shows up-- yep, Eyore. How did he piss me off? When I didn't acknowledge his compliment he got pissy. He ignored the kids. They ran around screaming while he did his best to look like he was interested. I wonder if he came by to see if I had a boyfriend.

That's pretty funny.

What's even funnier is that I have this undying urge to clean my house. Top to bottom. Sort of washing that man right out of my house. Then, when it gets messed up it can be all my fault. Eyore, however, can't seem to get it together enought to take the boys to his place or go visit his parents, so my delusions of a weekend of freedom are shot.

Don't get me wrong. I love every minute I have with my boys. I cherish every single second. Most of you know that. I need to just get over this freakin' hump. Then I can be 100% mom.

1 comment:

g-man said...

Bummer about the game Woo, at least you made the playoffs!! Way to go! I can send you Betty, I'm sure she would be worth the $$ to do a scrubbing. (Even if only for its symbolic significance.)