Monday, October 30, 2006

Long Time, No Posts

Well, I gave up posting because all I could seem to talk about is Eyore...who has pronounced from the rooftops that he is no longer wimpy 'Eyore'. No we all get to see what his 'Angry Little Man' looks like. However, to protect my legal rights, I can't post about him or my dating exploits until all the dust settles. Let me tell you, it's JUICY!

Mad props to Turtle Bertle for giving birth to a bouncing baby boy two weeks ago....on her birthday.....Because there is life (as in sex) after 30 !!!

Also props to GMAN for finding his writing groove in the blog world.

Jaybird.....still don't know who you are and can't seem to remember ANYONE who slept on my floor. Sorry.

Some sites that make me smile these days..... Mighty Goods -- because you can never have too many cool dodads....and Post Secret -- because what people leave out are the most interesting thoughts of all.

The boys are just fine. Karateboy's school behavior has been average (WHOO HOO AVERAGE!) and lost a front tooth. Obviously the most handsome kid around. Tippytornado is waaaay verbal (don't know where he gets that from) and slowly taking over the universe as is his role as the second born.

Thanks to all for your thoughts and prayers. We are keepin' our chins up !! :-)

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